Saturday, February 14, 2015


-------------------------------------  -EXT CHICAGO INTL  AIRPORT---------------------------------------
Okay … I promised to make this a non-personal blog but to hell with that! I am going to THE INDIA and by the most common saying “so can’t keep calm”.

39 Hours before flying to THE INDIA! (Yes, INDIA gets “THE” in my word world) I get on my domestic that has this weird connection where you travel in the opposite direction and then fly to the final destination making a different kind of round trip, as if you’re in a toy flight that runs on friction, I mean seriously OH->IL to fly back to DC?  Who does that!

I could be least bothered about that right now because I AM FLYING TO THE INDIA!!!  After two years I am going to my country to my people.As my friends and family fight to decide who will come to the airport to come get me,the whole idea that I am just hours away from such and many more of such heart-warming incidents and discussions makes me soooooo drunk in happiness.In a way the nostalgia has started to kick in already,just yesterday I woke up and it hit it that I’m days away from THE INDIA! Hence, the ARTICLE! I just couldn't shut up about it! 

 So the concept of buying things for our family with 50% or more funded from  family  escapes me,I am not a smuggler,So this trip I was richer than the average Indian student traveling, thanks to my contracting-internship(8 years experience , the whole package .. if you know what I mean!)So,(I promise this is the last So in this article) This time my riches helped me buy all the lavish stuff I wanted to gift my family,which they will yell at me for spending money on , but show off to their friends with pride that their kid got it for them from UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ( Yes , you have good observation skills,no THE for United States of America,If you did not notice it.Well ….Spoiler Alert  ...Maybe?) . 

This time , this trip I am excited  to see my mom yell at me for being such a spendthrift but I want to see the look of pride when she does that,my mom does both in parallel,she is versatile like that ! I want to see my dad marvel at the ‘posh’ amrikan stuff that we get here and not there,Waiting to see my friends going all ”no tell me I will pay it up , I will take something bigger/better later “Also,  I wait to meet all the new to-be members in the family ( that’s for the nervous part) , pray they like me.Thinking about all these makes me feel like I’m already there :p

The best of all would be to trip on my friends who are here by sharing experiences in India .. Mwahahahahahaha!!!! This trip will bring about changes of great magnitude but that’s a story for some other time !! For now yenjayyyy this article , read and re-read till I post more fun stuff in my word world !!!

----Signing off cause I'm too busy travelling to India :p ( Had to show off )

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